It was an honor to be elected as your Master last November. I was last Master of the Crown Jewel of The Western Reserve in 2008. While the ritual hasn’t changed, it was still a challenge to knock the rust off. WB John Vinson once told me a Master must be a good ritualist, and a good administrator. With the assistance of many fine brethren, I’m striving to attain that goal!!
Hudson Lodge is a very active lodge. We held our Holiday Party Sat Jan 21st at the lodge. In spite of the less than ideal weather we had a very nice turnout. We were especially happy to have two of our three new members in attendance with their spouses, and young children. A great meal was provided along with an excellent Christmas Message given by our JW and LEO Jereme Morgan. It was a great evening enjoyed by all.
Hudson Lodge also assisted with the MAPS food basket assembly on Sat December 17th. The event was spearheaded by WB Dutch Chauncy from New Franklin Lodge #803, and was a great success. Over 90 baskets were assembled and provided to families in need. Many thanks to all the brethren, friends, and family who assisted with this worthy cause.
On Sunday Dec 4th Hudson Lodge participated in the annual Hudson Holiday Walk held near the green. We provided hot dogs, hot coco, and homemade cookies for the hungry shoppers. Foot traffic was much decreased this year because of several events which had relocated to different areas. But, we still managed to show a profit of $500.00 in donations to assist with our numerous Masonic charaties. A huge shout out to my wife Allyson and son John who spearheaded the setting up of the coco bar, and along with other brethren staffed the table for the entire duration of the event.
There are several upcoming events Hudson Lodge will be participating in, one of which is the Memorial Day Parade. There will be several brothers driving their classic cars in the parade, and like the Holiday Walk, we will once again be providing a food table to assist our charities.
I was honored to meet Most Worshipful Brother Steven M. Grindle, Grand Master of Ohio at Western Phoenix’s Inspection recently. He took the time to engage in a very nice discussion, and even allowed a picture!! I would encourage a visit to the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s website, to read our Grand Master’s message and learn more about our great fraternity.
In closing, on Sat April 22nd the Grand Lodge of Ohio is encouraging a state wide open house. Hudson Lodge will be open to the public from 2PM to 4PM for a tour of the lodge, and a short film provided by the Grand Lodge. Several members of the lodge will be present to answer questions and provide light refreshments. Hope to see you there!!!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
William. B. DeBlaey
Master of Hudson 510
Posted: April 1, 2023 by ryan
Masters Message Spring of 2023
It was an honor to be elected as your Master last November. I was last Master of the Crown Jewel of The Western Reserve in 2008. While the ritual hasn’t changed, it was still a challenge to knock the rust off. WB John Vinson once told me a Master must be a good ritualist, and a good administrator. With the assistance of many fine brethren, I’m striving to attain that goal!!
Hudson Lodge is a very active lodge. We held our Holiday Party Sat Jan 21st at the lodge. In spite of the less than ideal weather we had a very nice turnout. We were especially happy to have two of our three new members in attendance with their spouses, and young children. A great meal was provided along with an excellent Christmas Message given by our JW and LEO Jereme Morgan. It was a great evening enjoyed by all.
Hudson Lodge also assisted with the MAPS food basket assembly on Sat December 17th. The event was spearheaded by WB Dutch Chauncy from New Franklin Lodge #803, and was a great success. Over 90 baskets were assembled and provided to families in need. Many thanks to all the brethren, friends, and family who assisted with this worthy cause.
On Sunday Dec 4th Hudson Lodge participated in the annual Hudson Holiday Walk held near the green. We provided hot dogs, hot coco, and homemade cookies for the hungry shoppers. Foot traffic was much decreased this year because of several events which had relocated to different areas. But, we still managed to show a profit of $500.00 in donations to assist with our numerous Masonic charaties. A huge shout out to my wife Allyson and son John who spearheaded the setting up of the coco bar, and along with other brethren staffed the table for the entire duration of the event.
There are several upcoming events Hudson Lodge will be participating in, one of which is the Memorial Day Parade. There will be several brothers driving their classic cars in the parade, and like the Holiday Walk, we will once again be providing a food table to assist our charities.
I was honored to meet Most Worshipful Brother Steven M. Grindle, Grand Master of Ohio at Western Phoenix’s Inspection recently. He took the time to engage in a very nice discussion, and even allowed a picture!! I would encourage a visit to the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s website, to read our Grand Master’s message and learn more about our great fraternity.
In closing, on Sat April 22nd the Grand Lodge of Ohio is encouraging a state wide open house. Hudson Lodge will be open to the public from 2PM to 4PM for a tour of the lodge, and a short film provided by the Grand Lodge. Several members of the lodge will be present to answer questions and provide light refreshments. Hope to see you there!!!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
William. B. DeBlaey
Master of Hudson 510
Category: Freemasonry
Stated Meetings: 1st Monday at 7:30PM
Temple Board: 1st Monday at 7:00PM
Special Meetings as Necessary
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